Mainstreaming Conservation of Migratory Soaring Birds into Key Productive Sectors along the Rift Valley / Red Sea flyway

Mainstreaming Conservation of Migratory Soaring Birds into Key Productive Sectors along the Rift Valley / Red Sea flyway

The project aims at mainstreaming conservation of migratory soaring birds into the key productive sectors of hunting, energy, waste management, tourism and agriculture along the Rift Valley/Red Sea flyway.

Main Outputs

Component/ Outcome 1:

Raised awareness of the flyway and altered social and cultural behaviours among target groups that threaten MSBs in the key sectors, decision-makers and the general public

Output 1.1: Concept of MSB Flyway established and promoted
Output 1.2: RFF promotes mainstreaming of MSB considerations and moves from being the “custodian” of the MSB project to being the “custodian of the flyway”. Output 1.3: Targeted awareness and media / social media campaigns on MSB flyway issues designed and carried out.
Output 1.4: Coordination of Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) and African- Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) translated into sector activities and actions

Component/ Outcome 2:

Content, tools and capacity developed and delivered to mainstream MSBs/Flyway concept into sector processes, practices and programmes.

Output 2.1: Capacity of national partners strengthened to develop and promote concept of Flyway, respond to new opportunities and monitor content standards. Output 2.2: Capacity of national government and private sector institutions strengthened to understand, promote and adopt “flyway friendly” practices. Output 2.3: MSB-related technical content and guidelines developed, especially for targeted key sectors (energy, agriculture and pesticide use, hunting, tourism and waste management)

Output 2.4: MSB project content and guidelines tested, adapted and implemented through appropriate sector reform vehicle projects and programmes along the flyway.
Output 2.5: Regular surveillance of Flyway and MSB conservation status and of known and emerging threats, including to predict impacts on MSBs of sector developments and to identify other potential project target sectors and vehicles.

Component/ Outcome 3:

Learning, evaluation, adaptive management and upscaling

Output 3.1: Project monitoring, evaluation, reporting, and dissemination systems and structures established and operational, at regional level and at selected sites

Output 3.2: Project-specific M&E framework developed to fully and regularly assess quantitative and qualitative environmental and socio-economic impacts of all interventions
Output 3.3: Flyway/RFF adaptive management framework developed

Output 3.4: RFF fully absorbed into BirdLife International
Output 3.5: Selected learning and knowledge management products developed Output 3.6 Coherent financial plan developed for the RFF including key funding areas, sources of financing, financing gaps, financial strategy for flyway conservation activities
Output 3.6: Targeted promotion and fundraising through BirdLife at international events such as the annual BirdLife Bird Fair.



Start Date


End Date


Focus Area




Implementing Partner

BirdLife International